Roni Kobrosly Ph.D.'s Website

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The illusiveness of automated causal discovery

written by Roni Kobrosly on 2024-11-25 | tags: machine learning causal inference

Whenever I discuss causal thinking with data, people inevitably bring up the topic of automated causal discovery. I get it. It's sort of like the search for El Dorado and would change the field of data science to its core if it were possible. I talk about what it is and how this is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

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Updating the website with Lektor and Terminal CSS

written by Roni Kobrosly on 2024-11-18 | tags: personal updates generative ai

My updated website and the joys of Terminal CSS and static site generators.

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The machine learning project failure funnel

written by Roni Kobrosly on 2023-10-06 | tags: machine learning product management career data

Anyone who has worked in tech in the data science / MLE / applied ML field knows that most ML projects will fail. Newcomers to the field have super high expectations about what they can do, and, sadly, this leads to a lot of them leaving the space altogether. ML project failure is an inevitable part of life in this field and it's happened to me many times at different stages of my career. In the last couple of years, I've begun to think about the building of ML projects as a sort of funnel process; ideas are cheap and many, but only a small amount of these ideas reach the end of the funnel and become productionized, solid, used, effective, and maintained ML applications.

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Generative AI and the end of software engineering?

written by Roni Kobrosly on 2022-12-16 | tags: generative ai machine learning career engineering

One of the hottest ChatGPT takes I've heard from mostly non-technical, tech-enthusiast folks is that it, or one of it's near-term successors, will effectively put software engineers into the dustpan of history. The following is my attempt to collect my thoughts around this and present my case to a lay audience on why this will not be the case.

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Misc October updates 🍂 🎃 and PyData NYC

written by Roni Kobrosly on 2022-10-03 | tags: personal updates pydata

Fall is here and you really ought to buy some of those pumpkin pancake/waffle mixes at the store. I'm there for it. I've been thinking a lot recently about data-driven culture and who is responsible for building it and maintaining it in organizations.

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